Population is increasing rapidly in Bangladesh day by day and the same time the percentage of educated persons is also increasing. Almost at the same time women’s education is also increasing from previous levels. But Bangladesh government and economy are failing to create sufficient work for these educated populations. These educated and unemployed populations are facing heavy competition to get a job and are struggling with many difficulties. These unemployed and disappointed educated people are also suffering from cheater & bogus employment authorities and corrupted officials even more.
In this situation educated women are also struggling to get a job. Even now women have many obstacles to get a job in our country as they can not join every kind of job. Scarcity of skill is also another problem to get a job for Bangladeshi women. Although the percentage of educated women is increasing, some are not interested to take skills for developing their career and getting jobs. They complete only academic study, but they (also their guardians) are not interested to take skills that can make them competitive in this job market.
Anyway, Nari Jibon provides women with alternative skills according to the demand of the students. Nari Jibon provides Bangla, English language skills, computer and Tailoring skills beside other packages skills (like- Business Management, Photography, Blog etc. with other awareness programs) with internship and more practice time at women cyber café. In the mean time many students already have taken skills from Nari Jibon organization.
The good news is that, recently Bangladesh Election Commission appointed some manpower temporary (for preparing voter and national ID card project). We have learned that some more students were offered jobs. We have informed that already Jesmin ara Amzad, Kamrun nahar, Rozy Alam and Zannat ara Amzad have joined for doing that job. They will be able to work for 3 months at their own area office and 3 months another area office but inside Dhaka if they agreed. They will get 5 taka per voter sheet and their post’s name is computer operator. Kamrun nahar joined as supervisor of a group of computer operators and Rozy Alom has joined as data collector. These students have taken English and computer skills and they are running students & bloggers of Nari Jibon organization still now.
We have also learned that some more students got offer to join the jobs such as Sathi, Moyna, Sultana Dilroba, Suchitra, Sultana begum etc but they did not join the job due to some problems like their guardians were not agreed to work after the evening and some of their personal causes.
Students who have joined to this post also faced almost same problems but they have overcome their problems to make agreement for work with their guardians.
I wish to congratulate these students and pray for them to go ahead through the Blog site of Nari Jibon. Also we (staff & students) are grateful to all the DONORS.
The introductions are given below of those students who have joined to the Election Commission’s recent project:
Jesmin ara Amjad (id# 713), blogger of Nari Jibon and student of English-2 and Computer Section. She is reading in class-15 at Khilgoan Model College University.
Zannat ara Amzad (ID# 712) blogger of Nari Jibon blog site and student of English-2, Computer Section. She has completed H.S.C. examination last year and she is trying to take admission in any university.
Kamrun-nahar Pushpo
Kamrun nahar Pushpo (ID# 715), She is new blogger of Nari Jibon blog site and student of English-2 and Computer Section. She is reading in class-15 at Khilgoan Model College University.
Rozy Alom
Rozy Alom (ID# 555), She is the student of English-2 and Computer Section of Nari Jibon. She has joined as data collector. She is also working in a kinder garden school as a teacher.
When I was writing this article, another Nari Jibon’s graduate (English and Computer) student named Anjuman-ara-ali (ID# 451 ) came to visit our office and informed that last month she joined in a Multinational Company named Flora Limited as a Sales Executive where she will get 5500 taka per month as her salary.