A replica of Taj Mahal has been built by Ahsanullah Moni in Bangladesh's Narayanganj district. Ahsanullah Moni is a Bangladeshi filmmaker. This is the second Taj-Mahal in the world. Some pictures of Premer Taj-Mahal.

Nari Jibon Project seeks to increase our students’ and staffs’ abilities through different ways: classes, practice, computers, internet, and now the Narijibon Blog. Readers and writers (our students & staff) of the Blog will both learn about our lives, culture, Nature, activities of people in Bangladesh and the Nari Jibon Project.
Eve-teasing is the one of the problem to the young Bangladeshi girls. We can see in the daily newspaper often that young girl are facing these problems in the roads, markets, schools and workplaces. As a result many guardians give company when their young girls go to the schools, colleges, markets and other places. Many young girls are to wear veils when they are outside of their houses. Sometimes eve-teasing is the cause of suicide of some young girls like Simi, Purnima, Mahima, Trisha and many others. Ok, now why I am thinking about this problem… is that..
Rozina Akter is in tailoring class
A very young girl aged 13 and named Rozina, is learning Tailoring items at Nari Jibon skill training centre. She is dump and she was born in a very needy family. She comes to the office on foot and it takes at least half an hour.
Last week she was crying without sound after reaching in the class, she looked very afraid. As she could not speak her teacher did not understand what happened but she understood that she faced serious something. Her teacher informed me about her situation. One of my neighboring was dump and I knew some sign language. She tried to understand me that a young boy was following her when she was coming at Nari Jibon to her class. That boy several times passed her touching her body and offered her something bad. But seeing her silence the young boy caught her dress to stop her walking where people were very few. The young boy looked very ugly and dangerous and then she became afraid and buffeted him on his face. Seeing this, some travelers came to her and then the young boy fled away. She was asked many questions but she could not reply but cried soundless.
Now she is thinking that the young boy may make problem when she would return to her house. And that's why she was very afraid. We tried to assure her that he could not make her any problem and we said to stay long time with us and then we would give her guide to send to her house. At the end of her longtime class we sent her to her house with our office assistant (khala). She was absent two days and next day she came to Nari Jibon with her mother. Then we decided that she would come to the Nari Jibon with our office Assistant (Khala) staff who lives in same area.
Her mother informed us that she was not dump when she was born. When she was only one year old her mother went to the village and then she fell in sick. She suffered from serious fever long days. She did not receive proper treatment. At the beginning time she was treatment by the village doctor and kobiraj. After returning
I am Shireen Sultana, aged 24. At the end of my study I started to search job but I was not succeed. Everywhere needs job skill. I was informed about Nari Jibon from one of my friends where women & girls get effective job training. I started to learn English and Computer from Nari Jibon. At the end of my course I started to search job using Nari Jibon cyber café. I submitted my portfolio to the bdjobs com and some other places and in last March 2009 I was offered to join in a foreign multinational Company as Customer Service. I received Tk. 8000 with some other facilities like lunch and conveyance. I was a regular blogger at Nari Jibon and received several training on blog maintenance. I became more skilled on English and computer exercising bloging e Nari Jibon cyber café. Really I praise the programs that Nari Jibon provides only for women. I want to say that there are some cyber café in
Afia Akter
My name is Afia Akter and aged about 23. I have studied up to class-14 (Degree). I was searching a job beside I was working as a private tutor. I have completed English and Computer course from Nari Jibon. Last week in this month I have joined in private organization as a “Data Entry Operator”. This is contract basis job. I am grateful to Nari Jibon as I learned English and Computer from Nari Jibon and I got sufficient time for practicing. I thing Nari Jibon provides effective skill training especially I learned how to write standard Resume, Cover letter/application e portfolio in English classes and online application. Blogging is another option that makes women & girls more skilled in English and Computer and aware about the modern world. Special thanks to Dr. Kathryn B Ward who is the main founder and have enough sympathy for the Bangladeshi women and also thanks to all the teachers and staff.
There is a proverb in our country “Va-te Ma-re, Buddhi-a Bachay-” it means ‘providing some food for death, providing knowledge for survives’. There are many NGOs that spending huge amount of money for women empowerment, strengthening, increasing awareness, rights and proving loan. Many donor/orgs are spending money for reducing harassment/violence, making them aware about type of harassments and supporting legal support. Everything is welfare for women luck. But none of them think, if a woman files a case for judgment, where those women take shelter for ever? To her parent’s family? Does she would be honored there? Obviously she will go to another purush/man as wife and he will be worse than first one.
It is proved in our society (and our research output) that women who can earn money and able to support family financially get honor in the family and society. They can also be decision maker in the family. Other members of their family respect them and as a result they face less harassment in the family.
Nari Jibon Development Foundation is providing effective skill training program to the women besides its awareness program through discussion and writing articles. Due to scarcity of outreach activities we can not know how much students get but sometime some students informed us about their job and sweetened their teachers.
I am Sakura Noor, aged about 34. I have completed Masters in History from
After completing my course I was offered to work as an Executive Officer in an established developer company named ARTISAN DEVELOPMENT LTD. I joined there April 2009 and my starting salary is held 5000 taka per month.
I am very happy getting this job and this was possible to learn Computer and English from Nari Jibon as they (Company) wanted Computer and English expert woman.
My name is Sufia Khatun and I am about 20 years old. I passed H.S.C. (class-12) and then I took admission in class-13 (Degree) but I could not continue my study due to sickness and poverty. My father leaved us (my mother with two elder sisters and one elder brother) getting married another woman. After passing class-12, I came to
Asma Akter Choity
I am Asma Akter Choity. I am about 20 years old. I am reading in honors (2nd year) at Begum Bodrunnesa Girls’ college,
I have learned Computer Ms. Office Program, Photography and English Course from Nari Jibon.
In last December 2008 I joined in a private company named Asian Sky Shop (
Sharmin Akter
My name is Sharmin Akter and I am approximately 14 years old. I went to the primary school about 4 years. I could not continue study due to extreme poverty. After giving up study I was helping my mother doing some household works. One day I heard about Nari Jibon from one of my neighboring woman. I informed my mother about Nari Jibon and willing to learn tailoring course. Then I visit and took admission dated 11th March 2008. Within 3 months I learned 34 tailoring items and one month I got chance for more practicing. Later I received very few money from this tailoring shop. At the end of my course I worked in a tailoring shop but I did not receive money but many customers used to like my works. But September 2008 I got an offer from an established Tailoring Shop, situated at Rampura Banasree named Parveen Tailors as Sewing and Cutting master. They give me 2000 taka per month where I work 10 hours everyday. Really I am very thankful to Nari Jibon and my teacher Salma madam.
Lee Goldman & some AISD students with Nari Jibon staff
At an earlier event on Dec.13, 2008, AISD held another athletic event called the Splash-n-Dash, a duathalon in which participants swam 400m and ran 4km. In some cases a swimmer and runner joined together to form a team to complete the duathalon. Again, the participants paid a registration fee and all proceeds went to Nari Jibon.
Lee Goldman and some AISD students teach English Spoken to Nari Jibon students in every Friday.
ঢাকায় ইউটিউবে ঢুকতে গিয়ে টাইম আউট হয়ে যাচ্ছিল দেখে অনেকে ভাবছিলেন যে ইউটিউবের সার্ভারের সমস্যা । এরপর দেখা যাচ্ছিল যে ইস্নিপস্ এও ঢোকা যাচ্ছে না । তখন সন্দেহ করা হলো যে সমস্যাটি অন্য কোন খানে । কোথাও ডেটা ব্লক হয়ে যাচ্ছে । প্রমাণ ছাড়া সরকার কে দোষ দেয়াটা অযৌক্তিক । কিন্তু অল্প কিছু সময়ের মধ্যে অভিজ্ঞ বাংলাদেশী নেটওয়ার্ক ইঞ্জিনিয়াররা বিভিন্ন জায়গা থেকে জানালেন সরকারী কোন সার্ভারের ফায়ারওয়ালে ইউটিউব সহ অনেক গুলো সাইট ব্লক করা হয়েছে।
While accessing YouTube from Dhaka a 'time out error' was being returned and people thought there was something wrong with YouTube Server. Soon people found out that they could not access E-snips (a file sharing site). So people feared that somewhere the data is being blocked. It is not logical to blame the government without proof and logic. But soon IT experts and network engineers from all over Bangladesh notified that YouTube and a few other sites are being blocked by a firewall in some government server.
বাংলাদেশ লিনাক্স ইউজার গ্রুপের সার্ভার থেকে গুগল, ইউটিউব এবং ইস্নিপসের সাইটে ট্রেসরাউট কমান্ড দিয়ে দেখা গেছে, গুগল ঠিকই পৌছে যাচ্ছে গুগলের সার্ভারে কিন্তু বাকি দুটো আটকে গেছে বিটিটিবির ফায়ার ওয়ালে।Mango and BTCL (formerly BTTB) are the official IIGs (International Internet Gateway) in Bangladesh. Starting last April, by regulation, all Bangladeshis ISPs have to route their international traffic to either Mango, or BTCL, who send the traffic over either the submarine cable or the vsats.
When traceroute command was executed from the Bangladesh Linux user group server targeting Google, YouTube and E-snips sites the result showed that Google server could be reached but the other two were being stuck at BTTB Firewall.
mahayalamkhan: youtube, eSnips, midiafire, filefreak, upload-mp3 are banned or blocked in Bangladesh. Please, re-twitt.Russell John speculates why the ban was executed:
Why did the Government do this? It's because of an audio recording that could "damage" the reputation of our great Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. For now they blocked YouTube and eSnips, but in the future there might be more sites. Maybe Facebook too? People shares a lot of stuff there.After the recent BDR mutiny and massacre of army officers in Dhaka the Prime Minister met the aggrieved army officers in a confidential closed door meeting at Shenakunja where no press or outsiders were allowed. The conversions in the meeting and cellphone video recordings were leaked out, uploaded and shared using many file sharing sites including E-snips and YouTube. Unheard Voice blog discusses the issue of the leaked audio files which are being used by some quarters to create some political bickering and malign the army and the Prime Minister.
If Bangladesh Govt thinks Internet is like Cellphone service then they are living in fools' paradise. There are many ways people can bypass the blockage. [..] In this particular case anyone can use Anonymous proxy and bypass firewall!Some bloggers like Kayes Mahmud are providing proxy links so that others can access the blocked contents. Razon Sun points out that the contents of the meeting at Shenakunjo have already been published in a local newspaper [bn]. So there is actually no logic to block the internet. It may be mentioned here that Bangladeshis outside Bangladesh can easily access to these contents, which can be downloaded and shared by email.
Youtube, eSnips etc are very common and useful services. If Bangladesh Govt think any particular Audio and Video harmful for our society they could directly request Youtube to remove them. Such wild blockage is not only stupidity but also raises question about Govt's intention.
প্রচারনা বন্ধ করার আগে দেখেন কিভাবে এটা রেকর্ড হলো? প্রথমে কোন সাইটে এটা আপ্লোড হয়েছে। সেনাকুঞ্জের সভার ভিডিও টা দেখেন ভালো করে কোন সেনা কর্মকর্তা মোবাইল হাতে চুপেচাপে রেকর্ডিং করছে। এটা ধরা তেমন কঠিন কাজ না।Russell vents his frustration:
Before trying to block the audio/videos please see how it was recorded and where it was first uploaded. Please check the video of the Shenakunja meeting to pin point who recorded it. It is not hard to find out.
What's ironical is that it's the same Government that talks about "Digital Bangladesh" all the time. We now know what Digital Bangladesh is like.Now the question is how to unblock YouTube and other file sharing sites in Bangladesh. We have seen in previous cases that the authorities do not recognize that such bans were carried out in the first place shifting the blame to technical glitches. In the absence of 'Right To Information Act' it is hard for a common citizen to ask why it was done. We hope that the authorities will unblock all these sites to prevent more controversies and bad publicity for the government.
My name is Farzana Akter Tuli and I am 24 years old. I am studying in Master’s first year in Begum Badrunnesa College. Besides I am also taking courses on English and Computer Ms Office Program from Nari Jibon Development Foundation.
I want to establish myself as a self reliant woman in our society. Being motivated from NJDF I am working as volunteer peer educator as we know HIV/AIDS is global problem and it has no treatment. I think we (young people) can reduce the problem if we are aware. Almost same way we can stop domestic violence, early marriage, dowry system from our society as we create this problem and this is possible only increasing awareness amongst us. I think we everyone should work to remove this from our socie
Jannatul Ferdouse Nargish
I am Jannatul Ferdose Nargish and I am 18 years old. Now I am reading honors 1st year in Govt. Titumir College in management. I completed Ms. Office Program course and English Course from Nari Jibon and now I am learning on Graphic Design Course.
In future I want to work in a Bank. AIDS is a dangerous and fatal disease in the world. Though Bangladesh is low prevalence but we are in great risk. I think we everyone should be aware about this dangerous disease and thus we can prevent it. I have already started to work as a volunteer peer educator and I think all the young people should start to work against spreading HIV/AIDS. We also should work together to stop violence against women, Child Marriage and Dowry system. I think younger people can keep great role to solve
Feroza Begum Poly
I am Feroza Akter Poly and I am 24 years old. Now I am reading in class HSC under Open University.
I have completed English, Computer Ms Office Program, Hardware and Business Management from Nari Jibon Development Foundation.
Now I am founder of Mukto Behango Cooperative Society and I am working there as joint Secretary. Many women are engaged with this co-operative Society and we are running business of spicy, candle and some other handmade goods.
Still now I come to NJDF office to use cyber café as I am a blogger too. Being motivated by NJDF staff I have started to work as volunteer Peer Educator as think if young people can organized we can solve many difficulties. Due to scarcity of prevention awareness many people affecting HIV/AIDS. We should to care everyone just now and stop spreading out. I also agreed that if we can organize we can stop domestic violence, early child marriage and dowry system from Bangladesh.
Rahima Akter Hira
I am Rahima Akter Hira and I am 23 years old. I am studying at Eden Mohila College in second year in Bachelor of Arts.
I am learning English and Computer Ms Office Program, Graphic Design and Photography. In future I want to be a Photographer.
I have started to increase awareness in Domestic Violence, prevention information on HIV/AIDS as we can prevent this only increasing awareness. I think younger people can contribute more to prevent these from our country and every people should work for promoting awareness on these serious harmful issues.
Jannat ara Amzad
My name is Jannat ara Amzad. I am 19 years old. I am reading at Begum Badrunnesa Sarkari Mohila College honors first year in Bengali.
I have learned English and Computer Ms Office Program and now I am learning photography at Nari Jibon Development Foundation.
I have started to increase awareness on HIV/AIDS and Domestic Violence to my classmate friends and young relatives as a volunteer peer educator. I think every awareness young people should work to promote awareness on these issues and thus we can prevent dangerous issues.
My name is Nawshin Tarannum Tushil and I am 21 years old. I am reading at Shiddeshary Degree College second year in Bachelor of Arts.
I have completed learning English and Computer Ms Office Program in Nari Jibon Development Foundation. Now I am learning Graphic Design Course at NJDF. My future plan is to be a teacher.
I would like to work as volunteer peer educator to promote awareness on HIV/AIDS and Domestic Violence to the younger students of my college and friend circles. I think we all (young people) should work to stop HIV/AIDS epidemic, Domestic Violence, Early Marriage and Dowry system. And thus we can stop these harmful issues from our society.
My name is Surma Akter and I am 22 years old. Now I am studying second year in Bachelor of Arts at Shiddeshary Degree College.
I have completed learning English and Ms Office Program Course from Nari Jibon Development Foundation. Now I am taking Graphic Design course from there.
My future plan is to be a lawyer.
Being motivated I have started to work as a volunteer Peer Educator to promote awareness knowledge on HIV/AIDS, Domestic Violence and to stop Early marriage. I think only awareness activities can reduce this epidemic from our society and we (young people) have responsibilities to prevent these. Hadiya Akter
My name is Hadiya Akter and I am about 20 years old. At present I am studying in honors second year in Bengali at Shahid Shohrawardi College. My aim in life is to work as a teacher.
Besides I am also learning English and Computer Ms Office Program at Nari Jibon Development Foundation.
Being motivated I am working as a volunteer peer educator to increase awareness to my classmate friend circles on HIV/AIDS, Domestic Violence and Child marriage. I think if we can make aware young people in our society we’ll be able to reduce these harmful issues from our society.
I am Tamanna Dilshad and I am 18 years 7 months year old. Now I am studying in honors first year in Management at Govt. Eden Mohila College. I want to take a job in the Bank.
I am learning English and Computer Ms Office Program course from Nari Jibon Development Foundation.
I have started to work as a volunteer peer educator to promote awareness on HIV/AIDS, Domestic Violence and stopping Child marriage from our society. I think if we can create awareness to the young people in our society we’ll be able to reduce these dangerous issues from our country. We also need to work together to promote awareness to the every community in our country.
My name is Sharban Tahura and I am 20 years old. I am reading in honors first year in Accounting at Shahid Shohrawardi College. In future I want to work in any Bank.
I am also learning English and Computer Ms Office Program at Nari Jibon Development Foundation.
I am very appreciated to work as volunteer educator to increase awareness on some vulnerable issues in our society. As HIV/AIDS is global problem and it is incurable, we should work together to prevent this to promote awareness amongst younger people. I think we can also reduce Early Marriage and Dowry system from society to create awareness on these issues from our society.
My name is Ferdouse ara Uzma and I am 18 years old. Now I am reading at intermediate first year at Sheddeshary Girls College. My future plan is to be Computer Engineer.
Now I am learning English and Computer Ms Office Program at Nari Jibon Development Foundation. Being motivated I have started to work as volunteer peer educator at my college campus. I want to promote awareness on HIV/AIDS, Domestic Violence and Early Marriage as I think we can prevent these issues to increase awareness. I also think young people can contribute more to reduce these harmful issues from our society.
I also celebrate this day with my friends & family. On this 1st Falgun I celebrate with my newly married brother & sister-in-law. We had a trip to Munshigonj by ship. We started our journey from
Jubaidur Vaia with his Daughter & My Borther Bipul
I am with my sister-in-law Tithi
With my Brother