Writen and pictured by M.G. Rabbany Sujan
Cyclone ‘sidr’ devoured house wives’ favorite papaya tree too
The natural calamity of Bangladesh ruined the farmers in Bangladesh much in 2007. Two times flood damaged the crops two times. Later farmers invested their last wealth in the field and most of them took loan from various sources. But they failed to take crops in to their houses which were their last resorts. Cyclone sidr damaged their last shelter at the end of season.
Village housewives planted papaya tree in front of their kitchen houses/yard which they take care of as like as their child. Recent cyclone sidr damaged it and they are trying to protect.
Soon farmers in Bangladesh will start to reap paddy (boro season) in the coming dry season (Irrigation). New army supported care taker govt. has made some rules to distribute fertilizers among the farmers to control fertilizer’s high price. They appointed one dealer in every union council. Farmers need some formalities to buy fertilizers from the dealers like purchasing issue cards, serial, current money, fixed date, time etc which are very difficult for the illiterate or hardworking farmers. Farmers also have to spoil more time and money for buying fertilizer under these systems. But before they used to buy fertilizers from the nearby grocery shops and sometimes they used to buy on due. Then they did not need formalities, current money, carrying cost and wasting their valuable time. Recently we observed (Daily news papers) some farmers’ agitation demanding fertilizers various districts in Bangladesh. Though government declares that they have no fertilizers crisis and they would recruit three sub-distributors in every union council which can be reduced farmers sufferings/agitations.
Authorities need to make rules going to the field or grassroots to make rules flexible for the farmers or if they make rules by sitting in the air-conditioned rooms by wearing black sunglass they may have problems with farmers in near future.
Now we need to think how farmers can recover from their present situation.
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